B2C email marketing is the most common form of email marketing used today. Business to consumer (B2C) email marketing differs from Business to business (B2B) marketing in many ways. The primary difference is the time between the point of contact and sale. When creating B2C email marketing messages, most marketer’s objective is to get a customer to click through and buy a product or service as quickly as possible. While relationship building is important, it is not as important as it is in a B2B email marketing situation.

B2C email marketing is the most common form of email marketing used today. Business to consumer (B2C) email marketing differs from Business to business (B2B) marketing in many ways. The primary difference is the time between the point of contact and sale. When creating B2C email marketing messages, most marketer’s objective is to get a customer to click through and buy a product or service as quickly as possible. While relationship building is important, it is not as important as it is in a B2B email marketing situation.

Setting up An Effective B2C Email Marketing Campaign

Once you have a targeted list of consumers you want to send your message to, it is important you structure the content of your message to meet potential customers needs. B2C email campaigns need to be structured in a manner that quickly and easily convinces customers to click on a link. While B2B campaigns are usually long and informative, B2C messages are often succinct and easy to read.

It is important to remember that B2C campaigns are typically short. Because of this it is important that you crate a message that quickly captures a customer’s attention and convinces them to click on a link. The information you present in a message doesn’t have to be the highest quality, but it does have to be directed.

While information isn’t the primary goal of a B2C email campaign, it does help if your message is a little informative. You can provide potential customers with clear, simple and informative information about your product in a couple of short paragraphs.

You should also consider the following when drafting a B2C email campaign:

While customer loyalty isn’t as crucial in B2C campaigns as in B2B, maximizing lifetime value is still important. A customer that buys once is likely to buy again. To create loyalty you simply need to provide your customer with enticing offers and clear information that entertains as well as markets your products and services.